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Opening Hours

  • Monday

    9AM - 6PM

  • Tuesday

    9AM - 6PM

  • Wednesday

    9AM - 6PM

  • Thursday

    9AM - 6PM

  • Friday

    9AM - 6PM


Dental X-Rays

Dental radiographs are vital, preventative, diagnostic devices that contribute valuable data not apparent during a routine dental exam. Dentists and dental hygienists follow this information carefully and precisely detect concealed dental abnormalities and create an exact treatment plan. Without X-rays, intricacy areas may go undetected.


Dental X-rays May Reveal

  • Cysts and abscesses.
  • The loss of bone structures.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Deterioration within the teeth.
  • Developmental deformities.
  • Weak tooth and root positions.
  • Difficulties inside a tooth or below the gum line.

Identifying and treating the dental predicaments at an early stage will spare you time, money, and needless distress for your teeth.


Are Dental X-rays Safe?

Every day, everywhere we go, we are all exposed to radiation from our environment. The digital X-rays provide a significantly less low level of radiation contrasted to traditional dental X-rays. This is a better option for the patient’s health and safety. Digital X-ray is faster and more convenient, reducing your time in the dental chair. Furthermore, since the images are digitally captured, there is no need to develop the X-rays, therefore excluding the distribution of toxic waste and chemicals into the environment.

Although digital X-rays produce a low transmission level and remain considerably safe, dentists will still take unavoidable precautions to limit radiation exposure to patients. These precautions include only taking those X-rays necessary and using lead apron protection to shield the body.


How Often Should Dental X-rays Be Taken?

The requirement for dental X-rays depends on each patient’s individual health needs. Your dentist and dental hygienist will advise required X-rays based upon your medical and dental history analysis. 

For new patients, a full mouth is highly recommended. A complete series can last up for three to five years. Bite-wing X-rays are taken during your follow up visits and are suggested once or twice a year to detect new dental problems.